Welcome to our Ranch! Even though Hillside Angus Ranch was only established in 1984, our family traces back in the history of the Angus industry for 4 generations! Our parents and grandparents, John and Cecilia Eck of Double E Angus, set the foundation for us to grow upon. With a century of Angus heritage in our background their legacy lives on. We are the next generation and we look forward to sharing our program with you!

 Our registered cow/calf herd is solely family owned and operated. Though small, we focus on the highest quality Angus genetics. It is truly a team effort, we work together to manage and develop our cow herd so that we can provide our customers with top quality and phenotypically correct Angus cattle. We take great pride in our reputation for producing sound, functional, eye appealing bulls and females that perform in the show ring as well as the pasture.

Our customers are important to us. We look forward to assisting you in any way, from selection, getting them to the show ring, reproduction and beyond.  The only thing we like better than winning ourselves is to see the kids, who have become our extended family, win with the cattle they have purchased from us or even those who produced their own from their past Hillside Angus purchases!

Mark your calendar for our Vol. 15 Winner’s Choice Online Heifer Sale April 17, 2023 hosted through Lowderman Auction Options. Holding nothing back, we will be offering an exceptional set of show heifers that will compete on a national level and add cutting edge genetics to enhance the success of the next generation.

Visitors always welcome! Give us a call to schedule a visit!


Hillside Angus is proud to choose the Winner’s Brand!

Team Weaver!

Hillside Angus is home of the Wide Range Brush!

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Hillside Angus believes in WRBU, LLC – ABS Genetics

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